We help our customers to achieve financial freedom and housing stability. Many have attained educational and career goals, become homeowners, avoided foreclosure, and improved their household finances through the programs and services offered by NWU.

First-time Homeowner Builds a Financial Foundation

“I cried the day I got my keys. I always worked and nothing was ever handed to me, but I feel like I have received a gift. It was eye-opening – it showed me that every step we take in our lives matters. I don’t even have words for the gratitude I feel – thank you, thank you. When you have an opportunity like this, it really makes a profound impact on your life."
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Rising to Homeownership By Walking on Stilts

“I don’t even have words for the gratitude I feel – thank you, thank you. When you have an opportunity like this, it really makes a profound impact on your life,” said Kricket Caffery in a recent Zoom call.

Kricket had a long journey to homeownership. Over the years, serving as a Marine in Japan, experiencing several of her family and friends unexpectedly passing away, and going through a divorce, she was alone and had to do something to stay motivated in life. Kricket says, “in the Marines, ‘pain is temporary, and pride is forever, and I truly believe that.” Kricket saw the circus as bringing joy and love to the world and wanted to spread her inspiration.

She started with building a solid financial foundation by taking $500 of her savings to start a business related to circus classes. She held workshops and taught people ages 8 – 62 how to walk on stilts and make stilts using power tools. She found further opportunities selling circus equipment, making and selling stilts, costumes, and art online.

As a resident of Portland, frequent rent increases caused her to move often. Stability was also essential to improving her health, which was affected while serving in the Marines. With the goals of improving her personal health, financial well-being, and expanding her business, she set a goal to find a new home in Oregon on the west side of Interstate 5.

Financial Breakthrough

Kricket worked to get a Veterans Administration (VA) loan, but she needed a little more income than she received from her business to qualify. One of the eligibility requirements for the loan also meant that she had to establish employment history in addition to working for her own business. She researched communities and potential employment opportunities. She found a local company near where she wanted to buy her home that could use her skills and made a presentation to them. They hired her on the spot. But this new part-time job also meant making some sacrifices to achieve her future goal. She took a cut in pay, and each week, she left her friends and family to drive four hours from Portland to Bandon and camped during the week in veteran supported campsites.

Finally, she qualified for a $135k VA loan, found a tiny home in Lakeside, an unincorporated community in Coos County at the right price, and coincidently, it was built on stilts! The home could not have been more perfect for her, as it also included a more expansive workshop than the house itself, which was perfect for expanding her business. “I cried the day I got my keys. I always worked and nothing was never handed to me, but I feel like I have received a gift. It was eye-opening – it showed me that every step we take in our lives matters.”

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Kricket Caffery in front of her home after completion of repairs

Extensive Repairs Required

The home required repairs as mold and allergen health hazards quickly became an issue for Kricket. She replaced the roof as she was allergic to the shingles made of Cedarwood. Sheetrock, rotted studs, and wall insulation were replaced to alleviate mold issues. The outside of the house was resided and weathered areas repainted. She installed a heater in the living room where there was no heat previously. She also added a hallway and bedroom, both with non-allergen flooring. “Without NeighborWorks Umpqua, I would not have been able to save money for the repairs,” acknowledged Kricket.

Kricket’s Renovation in Progress

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Kricket’s Deck and Backyard After Renovation

Hard Work and Financial Coaching Pay Off

Through coaching programs at NeighborWorks Umpqua, she saved money and refinanced her home mortgage to make additional repairs in the Spring of 2020. As part of the refinancing process, she had an appraisal, and it showed the value as less than she originally paid. With help from NeighborWorks Umpqua, she gathered a second appraisal, which showed a 32% increase in the home’s value. The hard work she put int home improvements paid off; she was able to pay off her credit card debt, make further repairs to her home, and replace tools that she needed to grow her business.

The home equity that Kricket worked to build helped make 2020 a positive year, even though she had challenges as a small business owner, with sales down 60%. “Thank you NeighborWorks Umpqua for this amazing program and for helping me, it has made a huge difference in my life and future. We are all one, and it takes everyone — when you learn to walk on stilts, everyone starts by holding hands together.”

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Financial Freedom through Establishing a Career and a Home

“I never thought I would go to school. I never thought I would buy a home… and then it happened,” stated Sarah Pollack, a new graduate and a first-time homebuyer, in amazement. As a single mom with a son that has cerebral palsy, Sarah struggled with saving money as she was not able to work full time and take care of her son. Through NWU’s Dream$avers Program, she was able to finish her GED and Bachelor’s Degree and buy a home.
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Financial Freedom through Establishing a

Career and a Home

“I never thought I would go to school. I never thought I would buy a home… and then it happened,” remarked new graduate and first-time homebuyer Sarah Pollack, in amazement. As the single mother of a son with cerebral palsy, Sarah had a hard time saving money, as she was not able to work full time and care for her son. She experienced financial barriers due to dropping out of high school.

Sarah worked as a teacher without benefits and could not find better job opportunities without a high school education. She knew getting a better job would put her on the path to financial wellness and give her the flexibility to care for her son. Getting on this path meant that she needed to finish high school and save enough money for college.

First Steps to Financial Freedom

Her first step was a call to NeighborWorks Umpqua, through which she worked on setting up a small savings account and building her credit. In a few months she transferred the money she saved to an educational savings plan, and soon thereafter finished her GED and then started taking courses at the local community college.

Not long after completing her initial education goal, her financial coach called with great news: Sarah had done so well in her saving program that she was eligible for additional money. Her coach told her to “dream big,” and asked if she was interested in applying the additional funds towards buying a home.

She obtained a pre-approval letter for an FHA loan in the Fall of 2020, but she found herself competing against multiple buyers--including buyers with cash offers. Sarah’s NWU coach ran her credit again and helped her qualify for a conventional loan. She applied for the loan and benefitted from a lower interest rate which saved her money on her monthly payments. Then she received an inside lead to a home that was not yet on the market through a business partner in her new job. The upcoming seller was willing to work with Sarah to negotiate the sale of the home.

Enjoying the Fruits of Financial Success

She now enjoys living in an established community in Medford where she can see birds outside her window while she works and take afternoon walks in the neighborhood. She has enough yard space to grow vegetables and sit under the shade of her heart shaped eucalyptus tree.

Soon after, Sarah completed a bachelor’s degree in accounting, graduating with honors. A large company in the northwest region hired her in an entry level accounting position, in which she could further expand her knowledge while studying for the CPA exam. She loves that she found a job where she can help people, as she was helped, as a “counselor of money.”

Sarah passed on the principles of saving and good spending habits that she learned from NeighborWorks Umpqua to her son. He learned to save money and budget so that he could purchase a practical, stable car for work and school.

“I would not be in this house today if it were not for NeighborWorks Umpqua – I am so grateful. I do not have the means to help my son alone as a single parent. This program has done wonders for our lives. It’s an amazing program – changes peoples’ lives.”

Building a Home and a Career

"At first, I didn't know how much a new house would cost and thought I probably couldn't afford it. Before this, I didn't know how to build. I learned a lot, I switched careers and gained a lot of confidence. Without this program I would not have been able to do any of this. We built it!"
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Watch Jorge’s story of how he looked for a home and found a way to build it with DreamBuilders.

502 Loans: A Family of Seven Moves into a Home

“We were all beyond excited. The hardest part came next. We waited for our turn [to get a loan]. It seemed like forever, but we kept working hard and paying our bills, saving money wherever we could. Then our turn came up and we picked out a house. It was perfect. We are so thankful.”

Achieving Homeownership, Education, and a Salary Increase

“NeighborWorks Umpqua has had a tremendous effect on my goals: obtain a higher paying job and homeownership. Thank you, NWU, for giving me a hand up to better financial stability.”

Reliable Transportation for Work and Financial Security

Dream$avers has been an amazing opportunity. Before entering this program I would never have imagined I would be the owner of a reliable vehicle. For most of my life I have only had cars that are old and unreliable. Often there would be issues impacting my ability to get to work or important life events. I also learned important lessons that will aid me in reaching my savings and financial goals. I feel more prepared and financially secure to tackle any curve balls life may throw my way.

Going from Poor Credit to Good Credit

"Oregon’s IDA initiative has changed my life by bringing my awareness to the importance of saving and building positive credit. By being involved in this savings program, I have felt hope that I can achieve goals that until now were far beyond my reach. That really says it all, but there is more; I enjoy doing my budget, managing my credit card balances, and paying my bills on time. I love the concept of paying myself or investing in myself and my family first. I have gone from poor credit to good credit while in this program and have a firm understanding on how to continue in this direction." — N. Beasley

You too can someday be a success story here!

Learn more about all of our programs and services!

Roseburg Office:

605 SE Kane St. Roseburg OR, 97470

Call Us: (541) 673-4909

Fax: 541-673-5023

North Bend Office:

1992 Sherman Ave. North Bend OR, 97459

Call Us: (541)-756-1000

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NeighborWorks Umpqua is an Equal Opportunity Provider

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